Human rights defenders are the soul of supporting victims of human rights, and with the re recently in the Middle east and North Africa, they became victims themselves, so CFJ strives to support seek justice for the human rights defenders
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Human Rights Defenders Bulletin
Latest Reports

CFJ paper highlights the challenges facing human rights lawyers under authoritarianism in Egypt
Human rights lawyers in Egypt have become another target of crackdown by the government of President Abdelfattah el-Sisi, according to […]

Research paper: Activism of human rights defenders in the Egyptian diaspora
While some human rights defenders carry out their peaceful activism under authoritarian regimes, some of them may choose or be […]

Conviction without trial
Egypt: ‘Conviction without trial’, 2021 yearly report by CFJ on Egypt’s ‘terror lists’ In CFJ’s latest report prepared by the Trial Watch team, and entitled “Conviction without trial: Egypt’s terror Lists”, the organization stated that […]