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Tunisia: UN expert praises democratic progress since Revolution, says more needed for LGBT persons 

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News briefing  

Translated and edited by: Committee for Justice  

Geneva: 18 June 2021 

A UN human rights expert on Friday acknowledged the steps taken by Tunisiasince the Revolution just over 10 years ago to advance equality and non-discrimination, and urged the government to amend legislation to fully protect the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people. 

UN urges Tunisia to review legislation: 

At the end of his visit to the country, the UN Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, Victor Madrigal-Borloz, said State action is needed to ensure that the national legislation is fully compliant with constitutional principles and international human rights law.

“The democratic path that Tunisia has embarked on and its regional leadership in human rights demonstrate that issues considered sensitive can be diligently addressed within a human rights-based approach,” he said at the end of a 10-day visit to Tunis, Sousse and Sfax.

“There however seems to be a tacit social agreement to ask people with non-normative sexual orientations or gender identities to hide their true nature. This arrangement may be convenient for some sectors of society, but it is not in the best interests of society and not acceptable under international human rights law,” he said. “Social mores and the impact of religious thought in implementing them should not be obstacles to the recognition of human rights for the whole of society, including LGBT persons.” 

Obstacles to recognising LGBT rights:

Madrigal-Borloz noted the particular challenge of the use of criminal law to unduly persecute non-normative sexual orientations and gender identities, which is at the root of endemic discrimination, and acts of physical and psychological violence that impede access to justice for LGBT people and lead to their exclusion from the health, education, employment and housing sectors.

He said the impact of criminalization on the enjoyment of the rights of LGBT people in Tunisia, and the invisible mechanisms of social exclusion continue to lead to their marginalization. “I am convinced that there is an urgent need to raise awareness of sexual and gender diversity as inherent features of human nature that must be respected to enable LGBT persons to live with dignity and to fully enjoy their human rights,” Madrigal-Borloz said. In particular, he urged the Tunisian State to immediately halt the practice of anal tests, a form of torture, which is condemned by eminent Tunisian scholars and practitioners and global human rights bodies alike.

The expert met with State officials, members of civil society and several LGBT people who shared experiences and life stories with him.
“I congratulate Tunisia for its determination and openness to dialogue and I welcome the determination shown by the State to respect the spirit of the Revolution and to guarantee the dignity and freedom of all, including LGBT persons,” the UN expert said. 

“I place a lot of hope in the democratic projects underway, in particular the harmonisation of legislation with the Constitution and international human rights treaties.” 

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