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Tunisia: CFJ condemns verdict against journalist Ghassan Ben Khalifa, calls for suspension

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Press release

Geneva – March 20, 2024


The Committee for Justice (CFJ) has vehemently denounced the six-month prison sentence handed down to Tunisian journalist Ghassan Ben Khalifa by the Court of First Instance. Ben Khalifa, the editor-in-chief of the website “Enahiaz” and a staunch advocate for freedom of opinion and expression, was convicted on a charge that the Tunisian Journalists Syndicate asserts is unrelated to him.

According to the Syndicate’s statement, the verdict stems from a lawsuit filed over a year ago, alleging Ben Khalifa’s involvement in a post published by another entity. However, investigations by security teams reportedly discredited any connection between Ben Khalifa and the contentious content.

The legal proceedings began in November 2023 and culminated in Ben Khalifa’s sentencing for offending others via the public communications network. Moreover, he faces another trial on April 5 before the Tunis Court of First Instance, this time on terrorism-related suspicions.

CFJ rejects the verdict against Ben Khalifa and calls for his suspension pending a fair retrial. The committee emphasizes the necessity of adhering to fair trial standards and ensuring Ben Khalifa’s immediate release. This stance underscores CFJ’s commitment to safeguarding journalists’ rights and upholding principles of justice.

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