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Palestine: UN report urges countries adherence to genocide convention amid to prevent further loss of life in Gaza

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Press release

Geneva – March 31, 2024


Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese has issued a dire call for action, urging states to uphold their obligations under the Genocide Convention to halt the ongoing loss of life in Gaza.

In a report presented to the UN Human Rights Council, Albanese condemned Israel’s devastating military operations in Gaza over the past five months, characterizing the situation as nothing short of catastrophic.

Albanese highlighted the staggering toll of the conflict, with over 32,333 Palestinians killed, including more than 13,000 children, and tens of thousands more wounded. The systematic destruction of essential infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, and homes, has left Gaza’s population reeling. She emphasized the particular impact on vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant women, and young mothers, suggesting evidence of a deliberate effort to annihilate Palestinians as a group.

The report pointed to Israel’s actions and rhetoric as indicative of genocidal intent, citing dehumanizing language by Israeli officials and a pervasive anti-Palestinian discourse within Israeli society. Albanese underscored the intentional distortion of international humanitarian law by Israeli leadership to justify violence against Palestinians, describing it as a form of “genocidal camouflage.”

Albanese emphasized that Israel’s actions in Gaza are part of a broader pattern of settler colonialism aimed at erasing Palestinian identity and self-determination. She called for an immediate halt to the ongoing tragedy and urged accountability for those responsible. The report serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for international intervention to prevent further loss of life and ensure justice for the victims.

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