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Egypt: Stop the slow murder

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Attorney Ibrahim Metwally

Age: 56 years

Founder of the ‘Association of the families of the disappeared’

He was arrested on 10/09/2017

Charges: Creating and managing an organization established contrary to the provisions of the law, and spreading false news.

Mr. Metwally suffers from several medical conditions subsequent to the imprisonment, torture and inhumane treatment he faced, and continues to face. Such treatment has led  to having permanent tremors in his hands, due to a neurological dysfunction,  as a result of torture by electricity. In addition, he suffers from prostate enlargement, and severe vision impairment  due to poor lighting in his cell as well as lack of exposure to the Sun. Mr. Metwally also complained of suffering from nerves’ relaxation, after being forced by a national security officer to take some unidentified drugs.

On 12/03/2019, his lawyers submitted an official complaint to Maadi prosecution office (complaint No. 226 of 2019) requesting Mr. Metwally to be transferred to a private hospital in order to receive necessary medical treatment. They also demanded opening an investigation into the deliberate medical negligence he endures through the prison administration. The lawyers also submitted a request to the head of the investigations team of Mr. Metwally’s case, demanding his transferal to an external hospital. In addition, his family filed a complaint to the National council for human rights highlighting the life-threatening conditions he faces as well as the his deprivation from urgently required medical care.

Eid Dahroug

Age: 69

Retired government employee

Secretary of the Freedom and Justice Party at Abu Hammad district

He was arrested on 15/05/2014

Charges: Communicating with Hamas organization (case No. 371 of 2013)

Mr. Dahroug suffers from renal failure, prostate enlargement, a chronic floaters and flashers of eye condition, high blood pressure, diabetes, disc herniation of the neck vertebrae, paralysis of the left hand -with an impact on the right hand – as well as diaphragm laceration.

His family submitted many requests to the Minister of the Interior, the Prisons department and the National Council for human rights, demanding that he receives appropriate treatment, especially requesting to undergo an urgent operation to remove 75% of one of his kidneys, as its functional capacity is at 13%. Nevertheless, they haven’t received a response from anyone.

Ahmed Al-Khatib

A university student at the faculty of Biotechnology

He was arrested on 28/10/2014

Charges: Joining an international terrorist organization

Ahmed Al-Khatib suffers from a rare parasitic disease called the Visceral leishmaniasis, which had severe implications on his medical condition. Such implications included the enlargement of his liver and spleen, severe weight loss, and hemoglobin deficiency. (Leishmaniasis is a rare parasitic infection, the symptoms of which include spleen and liver enlargement, as well as a decrease in the number of different blood cells. In cases that do not receive proper treatment, damage to internal organs might lead to death).

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