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Egypt: CFJ monitors the 11th death in 2024 of a political detainee in the Tenth of Ramadan prison

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Press release

Geneva – April 1, 2024


The Committee for Justice (CFJ) has brought to light yet another tragic incident within Egypt’s detention system, reporting the 11th death of a political detainee due to apparent medical negligence. The latest victim, identified as Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Jabalawi, a 60-year-old secretary of the opposition Freedom and

Justice Party in Qena Governorate, passed away on Sunday, March 31, 2024, within the confines of the Tenth of Ramadan prison in Sharkia Governorate.

Al-Jabalawi’s death was attributed to deliberate medical neglect compounded by poor detention conditions. Suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, Al-Jabalawi allegedly did not receive adequate medical attention despite his deteriorating health, with prison authorities reportedly failing to administer essential treatment.

In response to this disturbing incident, CFJ has called for immediate, transparent, and impartial investigations into the circumstances surrounding Al-Jabalawi’s death. They are demanding accountability for those responsible for the alleged medical negligence within the Tenth of Ramadan Prison.

Additionally, CFJ urges the Egyptian Public Prosecution to fulfill its legal obligations by closely monitoring detention facilities and ensuring proper healthcare provisions for detainees, particularly those who are ill or elderly.

Furthermore, CFJ has appealed to Egyptian authorities to prioritize the improvement of living standards within detention centers, emphasizing adherence to international agreements such as the Nelson Mandela Rules for the Protection of the Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty.

This unfortunate event underscores a troubling pattern within Egypt’s detention system, with CFJ’s monitoring revealing a total of 11 deaths within prisons and detention facilities since the commencement of 2024. CFJ continues to provide vital information through its “Justice Monitoring Archive,” which catalogs data on over 14,000 victims and 30,000 violations, shedding light on human rights abuses within more than 500 detention facilities across Egypt.

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