Media release
Geneva 28th Dec 2023
The “Committee for Justice” monitored that the personnel affairs sector of the “Alexandria Container Handling Company” sanctioned the trade unionist and head of the company’s Dekheila wages operation department and a former member of the fifty committee to write the Egyptian constitution, Yousry Maarouf, by deducting 5 days from his wage.
– Deduct due to an opinion post:
CFJ explained that the decision to discount came because of a post by “Maarouf” through a group for the company’s employees on the communication site (Facebook), in which he asked about several legitimate questions about the company’s employees rights.
“Maarouf” had wondered in his post about the reason behind deducting the amount of the premium approved by the President of the Republic – after its disbursement -, under the pretext that the “Holding Company for Maritime and Land Transport” did not disburse it, and also wondered about the date of the General Assembly of company, which has been postponed for six months, which led to the imposition of fines on the company by the stock exchange, as well as the failure of employees to Disbursement of the profits of the previous fiscal year, and the management granted them an “advance” instead of their legitimate right to profits.
CFJ indicated that the company’s personnel affairs sector based its decision against “Maarouf” because his previous post is a violation of the instructions, and an insult to the company and its management!
– Broader violations:
CFJ expresses its solidarity with the trade unionist and head of the exotic wages operation department at Alexandria Container Handling Company, Yousry Maarouf, in the violation committed by the company’s personnel affairs sector because of his opinions.
The committee also asserts that the company’s management violated not only employees’ rights but a fundamental human right, the right to expression, and punished Maarouf for his views! Demanding to lift the injustice inflicted on him, and the commitment of the company’s management to Egyptian and international labor laws, and not to punish employees for their opinions.
CFJ also calls on the Egyptian authorities to guarantee the rights of workers in companies that have been sold to foreign investors, and to stop the policy of encouraging foreign investment at the expense of Egyptian workers and their rights.