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UN experts urge Security Council to prioritize humanitarian support in Syria

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News briefing

Translated and Edited by: Committee for Justice

Geneva: 17 July 2022

A group of United Nations experts has called on all relevant stakeholders to extend Resolution 2585 (2021) on the borders in Syria, in order to ensure that the population receives adequate and appropriate humanitarian assistance.

They issued the following statement:

A devastating humanitarian and human rights crisis:

“While Syria continues to experience a devastating humanitarian and human rights crisis, international institutions, including the United Nations, have struggled to respond to the scope of humanitarian needs, while navigating the unique political and social context of the Syrian crisis that has necessitated innovative modalities and mechanisms for both aid delivery and the monitoring of human rights violations.

Despite the recent relative decrease in hostilities, people’s lives are still at risk and humanitarian needs in the country have only increased, in particular for vulnerable and marginalised populations of all ages, including women, girls and boys, minorities, internally displaced persons, older persons and people with disabilities, among others, who continue to be severely impacted by the situation. The population is still in need of provision of sufficient humanitarian aid, particularly in relation to health-related support. This must include a full range of sexual and reproductive health services and mental health support, which are usually not adequately prioritized in crisis settings, resulting in further harm to women and adolescent girls.”

The majority of the population is below the poverty line:

“The severity of the crisis in Syria has caused the majority of its population to fall below the poverty line and resulted in the displacement of over 13 million people. Massive numbers of conflict-related injuries, outbreaks of diseases that were once all but eradicated, as well as declining markers of maternal and child health have been reported. This is further aggravated as medical and educational infrastructure have been decimated due to the conflict. Furthermore, reportedly, 3-4 million people are at risk of starvation and food insecurity if cross-border humanitarian deliveries are not authorized.

The need for the principled, needs-based provision of humanitarian services is immense and growing in the country, despite the best efforts of different stakeholders. The needs of the population are important, particularly in relation to essential services, such as health services, including sexual and reproductive health services, food, housing and education, among others.

A discontinuation of the humanitarian assistance through all possible cross-borders would undermine the rights of the population who rely on support from the international community. Cross-border aid mechanisms have been developed as a tool to ensure that the humanitarian response prioritises the needs and rights of the population. The adoption of this resolution should ensure that these principles are upheld.

Humanitarian aid must not be used as a weapon of war, and all relevant stakeholders must prioritise the needs for humanitarian aid of the population in the country. The lives, health, and dignity of an important part of the population depends on the negotiation of the future resolution.”

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