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Egypt: Head of the General Authority for Adult Education in Egypt threatens workers with persecution

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News briefing by Committee for Justice

Geneva: 15 August 2023


CFJ has condemned the threats issued by the head of the executive body of the General Authority for Adult Education, a division under the Egyptian Ministry of Education, against the members of the union committee for the employees of the authority. These threats involve reporting them to national security and fabricating charges with the demand for their imprisonment. This is a response to their call for the implementation of certain financial improvements for the employees of the authority.

Threats of Arrest:

The head of the executive body of the General Authority for Adult Education in Egypt, Dr. Mohamed Yahya Nasif, met with the members of the union committee on Monday afternoon, August 14, to address a set of demands that the union had presented to the authority’s management in February of last year. An agreement had been reached to postpone discussing these demands until June, but the authority’s management had not followed through on this commitment.

Upon the start of the meeting and the inquiry by the union members about the fate of their demands, which included an increase in examination allowances and enhanced field and evening duty allowances similar to those of employees in the Ministry of Education, the head of the authority expressed his frustration with these demands. He warned them not to repeat their requests, threatening that he would report them to the national security apparatus if they did so.

This ultimatum was rejected by the union committee members, who asserted that the union would continue to advocate for the rights of the employees.

Respecting Workers’ Demands:

CFJ emphasizes that trade union freedoms are the beginning of a solution to the chronic labor issues in Egypt. It asserts that the executive authority’s approach of resorting solely to security measures in dealing with workers’ demands is the root cause of exacerbating these problems. Furthermore, it highlights the necessity of addressing the financial situation of workers amid an economic crisis and rampant inflation that affects all Egyptians.

Labor Justice Project:

The Labor Justice Project is the latest initiative of CFJ. Through this project, the committee aims to enhance local and international awareness regarding the state of labor rights in Egypt and explore ways to achieve justice for workers. The approach followed by CFJ involves effective communication with the international community, including the International Labour Organization, and relevant United Nations mechanisms. This includes monitoring labor market violations in Egypt and highlighting the dynamics of local laws and policies that impact workers’ rights in alignment with international human rights principles and agreements.

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