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Egypt: Forcibly disappeared activist appears before Prosecution, detained pending a new case

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Press release 

Written by: The Committee for Justice 

Geneva: June 6, 2023


The Committee for Justice has documented the appearance of Moaz Al-Sharqawi, the Egyptian human rights activist and defender, before the State Security Prosecution (Emergency), following his forced disappearance for nearly 24 days. Al-Sharqawi was presented last Saturday to the State Security Prosecution, in connection with Case No. 540/2023 Supreme State Security, on charges of belonging to a terrorist group and financing it. CFJ confirms that the prosecution issued a decision to detain him for 15 days pending this case. 


Condemnation of enforced disappearance: 

CFJ and other organizations, in a joint statement published earlier, have condemned the kidnapping of a young man, Moaz Al-Sharqawi, on May 11, from his home in Mokattam, and and his transfer to an unknown location. 


In their statement, the organizations indicated that ” Moaz al-Sharqawi had previously been subjected to violations of his rights and deprivation of his freedom,” adding that Moaz was working in domestic tourism, and had not participated in any public activity since his graduation from the Faculty of Commerce, Tanta University, where he was Elected Vice President of the Student Union. 

The statement stressed that “the kidnapping of Moaz al-Sharqawi… is a gross violation of human rights and Article 54 of the Egyptian constitution, which states that “Personal freedom is a natural right which is safeguarded and cannot be infringed upon,” condemning the crime of enforced disappearance that occurred against him. Because of the possibilities of torture and ill-treatment and forcing false confessions to escape torture. 

The organizations also called on the Egyptian authorities to disclose the fate of Al-Sharqawi and to release him immediately.

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