The Committee for Justice has issued the third quarterly bulletin of the Human Rights Defenders Watch project. HRD Watch aims to support those who are subjected to persecution, detention, prosecution and security harassment based on their peaceful human rights activities in defense of civil, political, economic and social rights, whether they are professionals, affiliated with organized entities or independent.
The third bulletin outlined the documented violations against human rights defenders for the period from July to September 2022.
The third bulletin included the violations against human rights lawyers Youssef Mohamed Mansour Ragab, Amr Imam, and Mohamed Ramadan Abdel Basset, as well as developments in the case of detained activist Alaa Abdel Fattah.
The bulletin also mentioned the decision to release activist and human rights defender Haitham Fawzi Muhammadeen, as well as the arrest of activist Sharif Ali Muhammad Ali (Sharif al-Rouby).
HRD Watch bulletin is a periodic publication that monitors violations against organizations and individuals working in the field of human rights in Egypt, and the latest developments in human rights issues.
The project also aims to publish reports, research and monitoring studies, pamphlets and media data, following a research methodology based on field and media monitoring, interviews and documented testimonies with human rights actors or their families, and secondary research on international, regional and local laws and treaties, as well as human rights and academic publications.