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Two ‘positive’ cases of detainees in Husayniyya and 10th of Ramadan (Sharqiyya) and 3 other suspected cases

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Committee for Justice has verified the death of a remand detainee in Tora (Investigation) prison, located in Tora Prisons’ Complex in southern Cairo, after being suspected of contracting Coronavirus COVID-19.

Also, the organization documented two positive cases in Husayniyya and 10th of Ramadan Police stations (Sharqiyya) while three others are suspected of contracting the disease.

One positive and one suspected cases in Husayniyya (Sharqiyya)

Committee for Justice has documented a positive coronavirus case of a detainee in Husayniyya Police Station, Sharqiyya governorate, while two others are suspected of contracting the virus inside the same facility; none of them was transferred to isolation hospitals to receive due treatment.

Relatives of detainees at the same police station had made several appeals, after the appearance of the disease symptoms on their relatives detained therein.

The Husayniyya police Station is experiencing severe overcrowding of detainees inside its cell rooms, putting the lives of detainees at risk.

Meanwhile, the police authority did not take protective measures to rescue the detainees and those who contacted the cases infected therein. This entitles the Ministry of Interior to conduct coronavirus screening to verify the extent of the viral contagion inside the facility, to immediately undertake necessary measures, and to transfer the injured cases to hospitals for treatment.


One positive and two suspected cases in 10th of Ramadan

Also, Committee for Justice has documented one positive coronavirus case in 10th of Ramadan Police Station (Sharqiyya governorate) and one suspected case of another detainee inside the same station. However, neither were transferred to isolation hospitals to receive treatment.

A death case in Tora

On the other side, the organization explained that a remand detainee in Tora (Investigation) Prison- named ‘Naser Ahmed Abdel Maqsood Ahmed’, aged 57 years, and worked as a mechanical engineer- was transferred to Imbaba Fevers Hospital after his health condition had deteriorated and after he was suspected of contracting Coronavirus- COVID-19 inside his detention place.

‘Ahmed’ was arrested from inside his workplace in Mansoura, Daqahliyya governorates, in December 2019. He was forcibly disappeared before appearing in front of the Supreme State-Security Prosecution office for investigation for case 1360/2019 (Supreme State-Security).

His death confirms the severe deterioration of detention condition inside Tora (investigation) prison, after the announcement of the death of ‘Sayyid Ahmed Ahmed Hegazi’ – one of the prison’s staff members- as a result of contracting Coronavirus/Covid-19, and the continued emergence of the disease symptoms among many prisoners therein.

Detainees in Egypt are living their worst times

Ahmed Mefreh, the Executive Director of CFJ stressed that detainees in Egypt’s prisons and police stations are living their worst times with the outbreak of the Coronavirus among them, amid the ban of visitation to all prisons and detention places and lack of humane and healthy living conditions for them -in the first place.

‘The Egyptian Ministry of Interior and the Prisons’ Service directory must take all necessary preventive measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus among detainees, transfer all confirmed cases to isolation hospitals to receive the necessary treatment, isolate all those who contacted positive/confirmed cases, and undertake necessary tests and analyses to ensure that the pandemic does not gain more spread’- says Ahmed Mefreh the Executive Director of Committee for Justice.


withstanding, the total number of detainees suspected of contracting Coronavirus/Covid-19 in Egyptian prisons and detention facilities has reached 23 cases, with 7 confirmed and five death cases up to now, according to ‘Corona Meter’ inside the Egyptian places of detention, which the organization has launched recently in response to the outbreak of the virus in Egypt.

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